Lab Orientation

Love Lab Aims

The projects and processes pursued by Love Lab members reflect the lab’s ultimate aims. The aims of Love Lab are:

Love Lab Theoretical Foundations

Love Lab members begin with Dr. Tom Oord’s definition of (compassionate) love, which is congruent with other psychological definitions of compassion: 

“To love is to act intentionally, in sympathetic response to others (including God), to promote well-being.”

Two theoretical frameworks of compassionate love have been influential in the development of Love Lab projects. 

First, a systematic review of the compassionate love literature (Strauss et al., 2016), found that compassionate love is comprised of five elements (construct labels in italics have been added by me)

Second, Elizabeth Pommier (2011), in collaboration with Kristen Neff at UT Austin (Pommier, Neff, & Tóth-Király, 2020), developed a model of compassionate love that conceptualizes love as having three domains, which were originally measured with three positively valenced and three negatively valenced subscales

Essential Readings

Love Lab members should read the “Essential Readings” provided in the Love Lab Team Drive, which provide a theoretical foundation for our work.

Love Lab Procedures

The following Love Lab procedures reflect the typical activities of the group. 

Team Meetings

Weekly Contributions

Course Information

Ethical Considerations

Conference Presentations